Friday, February 26, 2010

How Can I Remove Adhesive Residue From My Car Exterior?

There is stuff you can get called Goo gone or something.. it removes adheseive and all sorts of crap off paint.How Can I Remove Adhesive Residue From My Car Exterior?
Wash your car and can use a Carnuba wax and a soft towel to get it off or try and adhesive remover that is safe for cars delicate painted is a linkHow Can I Remove Adhesive Residue From My Car Exterior?
WD40 spray it, let it sink into the residue and wipe it off with a paper or micro fiber towel. It will be gone with in 3 minutes. Make sure you don't leave any WD40 on your car afterward though.

It will get it off quick, It will not hurt paint and it does not require any elbow grease.鈥?/a>
if you make up an oxy clean solution should do the trick it should eat right through the adhesive.
rubbing alcohol can do wonders but do a spot test first so you don't change colors.
Cigarette lighter fluid. Use a rag and allow to soak for a few minutes.
Definitely goo-gone. Easier and less messy than WD40
Toothpaste. it also does a job on road tar.
use goo gone because it wont ruin your paint

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