Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Besides corn syrup, cocoa and construction adhesive, what else is in a Tootsie Roll?

Umm Poll: Tootsie Roll, Cabbage Patch or Humpty?Besides corn syrup, cocoa and construction adhesive, what else is in a Tootsie Roll?
Carnuba wax, ear wax, and fine imitation chocolate flavoring.

Humpty. I just like saying that word.Besides corn syrup, cocoa and construction adhesive, what else is in a Tootsie Roll?
That gummy adhesive used to hang posters on the wall.
Pre-chewed dark black taffy?

tootsie roll
you left out the gasoline

I will take the humpty at least it was a catchy tune with a messed up dance
.00545% Insect remains !
bug parts
i'm pretty sure they put rubber in those too...

you mean sour patch? cuz that's my choice.

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