Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm looking for a good adhesive for bonding t small pieces of metal together, any ideas?

it's for a laptop hinge and cannot have any bleed over. I was thinking JB Weld, but I don't know if anything stronger has hit the market recently.I'm looking for a good adhesive for bonding t small pieces of metal together, any ideas?
Epoxy. See chart for epoxy - http://www.supergluecorp.com/choosingapr鈥?/a>I'm looking for a good adhesive for bonding t small pieces of metal together, any ideas?
If the two surfaces aren't cleaned and sanded to provide some texture, they may pop apart after time has elapsed. Pay particular attention to preparation of your metal surfaces when using Krazy Glue. You can also purchase Krazy Glue Advanced Formula which has even more bonding power. It can be found at most hardware stores.
I don't suggest you use JB weld because it is thick and might come off if not used on a good smooth surface. i recommend you use gorilla super glue. It is similar to krazy glue, however, it is much much stronger, and will not bleed over. Don't use too much.
The best of the best is Sinbad Glue, a little bit expensive but does an excellent job. Check out their website, sinbadglue.net

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