Sunday, February 21, 2010

Has anyone heard of Labia adhesion? not even sure if i spelled that right it might be adhesive?

Basically the doc said her actual vagina hole shut do to her lack of estrogen flowing in her body, has anyone else had this problem? He gave me cream but it's not working and they said if it doesn't open they will have to do a procedure to physically open it for her, he said it was common in females but everyone i talk to has never heard of it! Has anyone else had their children suffer from this?Has anyone heard of Labia adhesion? not even sure if i spelled that right it might be adhesive?
My oldest daughter had this. The doctor noticed it at her check up. We were given Premarin cream, a large tube. I was not very good at putting it on at every diaper change. I rarely did it, and because of that, it did not work. At the next appt, I was honest and said that I had been slacking on applying it. They gave me another tube, and I did it religiously with every diaper change. It absolutley worked by her next check up, and we haven't had a problem since. Keep in mind, this was all over the course of like, a year. It does not pose a problem to your daughter while she is young, so it is not an emergent situation... it would affect her when she becomes older or sexually active if it is not opened. If the cream does not work, don't worry- that ';procedure'; is not pleasant, but not too bad- they use a large q-tip to open it. That is what my ped said, anyway- my dughter didn't need that done. Best of luck.Has anyone heard of Labia adhesion? not even sure if i spelled that right it might be adhesive?
I haven't known anyone who had this problem, but I have definately heard of it before. Use the cream religiously (it may take a few months to make progress), and hopefully that's all you'll ever have to do about it.

If the cream does not work, there may be a different type of medication (not sure about that), but there is a quick, simple procedue where basically they make a small hole where there should already be one.

How long have you been using the cream? Keep with it, and hopefully by her next check up the problem will be taken care of.
It's not exactly common, but it's not unheard of either. I had it and it went away on its own and came back on and off until I hit puberty, and after that it never came back.

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